We exist to HELP DOGS RECOVER from injury, WALK AGAIN after paralysis, and live ACTIVE and FULFILLED lives as they age.
Empowering the pet parent is vital to achieving this.
However we recognize that you may not have access to or be permitted to participate in your dog’s rehab. We know that not only do you want to help your dog move and feel better, but that you play a critical role in restoring their mobility. This is why we are now offering Virtual Mobility Coaching and Consulting so that we may help pet parents around the world that want to be an active member of their dog’s rehab and mobility team!

Empowering pet parents online to help their dogs move with more ease, has become a passion of Sarah’s. While virtual consults do not replace in person rehab, they do offer immense value as you the pet parent can see your dog’s movement through the eyes of a canine rehab therapist, understand the condition, share your goals and concerns, and most of all feel supported and learn what you can do to help you dog move better. Sarah has refined a system for providing guidance to pet parents online.
How Does It work?
This is a unique service with a canine rehab professional. Virtual coaching and consulting is for non emergency musculoskeletal injuries, chronic conditions, and for dog care givers looking for someone to support or help in understanding their dog’s condition, what equipment may help them, where to find it, how to adapt their environment and exercises and help finding rehab close to home. Dogs with severe health concerns or co-morbidities may not be appropriate.

Wondering if online mobility coaching is a good fit for you & your dog? We can do a 10-15 minute introductory call.
1) Once your appointment has been booked you will receive a confirmation email with a zoom link and a request to complete a background form.
2) Once we get that background form completed, Sarah will review and then request any additional information and specific videos and pictures of your dog.
3) We will create a share drive for you to upload video and pictures.
4) Sarah reviews everything prior your call.
5) You meet via Z00m for 75 minutes. This is time dedicated to helping you help your dog.
6) Post session you will be provided with the zoom recording, any notes taken during the session, and an online home exercise program
Follow up sessions are 45 min zoom calls and follow a similar format as the initial call.
48 hours prior to your call you will be reminded to upload previously discussed videos/pictures to your shared drive and provide a brief update via email.
Sessions are tailored to the dog your lifestyle and schedule; and focus on function & improving your dog’s quality of life and overall mobility.
Recordings will be uploaded to your shared drive.
We offer individual sessions and packages for follow ups.
- An opportunity to talk about your dog with our Canine Rehabilitation Therapist (licensed physiotherapist trained in canine rehabilitation)
- Online resources and basic exercises (if deemed appropriate).
- Greater understanding of your dog’s condition
- Education, guidance, and discussion
- Lifestyle factors and modifications that could improve mobility
- Help with identifying most appropriate mobility aids, fitting, and how to use safely
- Activity modifications and appropriate exercises for stage of progression or healing
- Learning signs of pain and fatigue
- Additional resources that may help to improve mobility
- Assistance in finding a local rehab therapist
- Diagnosis. Mobility consults provide education, guidance and support related to your dog’s mobility and helping them move better and with more ease only.
- Emergency care. Please see your closest emergency vet clinic or contact your regular veterinarian immediately!
- A consultation service as a replacement for your current veterinary care provider. You must have a veterinarian that you would with and your dog will remain under the care of your established veterinary care provider.
- Medical care and pharmaceutical recommendations. It is recommended you follow up with your veterinarian.